Nueva Colección 2010 a 1994

El Crop Circle de Willton Windmill de 22 de Mayo desconcierta a todos los científicos del mundo y revela la ecuación de Euler y una misteriosa cuenta atrás.

El pasado 22 de Mayo, ha aparecido en Wilton Windmill un agrograma que tiene absolutamente desconcertados a los científicos.

La figura muestra un código en ASCII con un mensaje que puede decodificarse en 9 dígitos de código binario.

Varios matemáticos del London University College, permanecen atónitos ante lo que consideran increíblemente inteligible a primera vista.

La cobertura del Crop circle, ha trascendido mucho más allá de la prensa británica, en la que académicos, científicos transdisciplinares, biogenetistas y matemáticos, convergen en la interpretación del código, demostrando una excelencia y objetividad sin precedentes hasta ahora.
Por vez primera en la historia reciente, a nivel académico tras las declaraciones de Stephen Hawking, son ya muchos científicos, los que trabajan activamente en la decodificación de los agrogramas.

Seguidamente vamos a exponer el marco de referencia de la ecuacion de Euler, circunstancia en la que existe consenso general en la comunidad científica.

Pulsar sobre la Imagen para aumentarla de tamaño

Y a partir de aquí, exponemos de forma detallada las diversas hipótesis de trabajo que en este momento mantienen en vela a toda la comunidad científica.

El diagrama arriba expuesto, corresponde a la interpretación consensuada o reglas de código ASCII decodificadas. Seguidamente exponemos la decodificación original que pueden ver en:

Igualmente en: or Respecto a los documentos científicos de decodificación e interpretación, recomendamos visiten

Igualmente, encontrarán una extensa recopilación de interpretaciones facilitadas por la comunidad científica independiente, en

Analizando el mensaje impreso en el disco, y tras analizar todas las interpretaciones y aportaciones, exponemos seguidamente una breve síntesis de las mismas, que se basan en la ecuación de Euler y la anomalía del Espacio-Tiempo, así como una indudable cuenta atrás. (3-2-1).

Síntesis y aspectos comunes de la interpretación:

1º.- Existe consenso de la comunidad científica, en que el código ASCII, representa la ecuación de Euler, y adicionalmente, contiene una doble sentencia superpuesta que representa un binomio Euler/Fibonacci, sobre el dilema de la doble interpretación de (Pi y Phi)

Euler= e ^ (i)pi +1 = 0

Euler/Fibonacci e ^ (phi) 1 = 0

Ambas dos interpretaciones están contenidas en el código ASCII, que adicionallmente contiene otra premisa: Una curiosa cuenta atrás. Para todo:


2º.- Hemos recopilado una síntesis explicativa de todas las aportaciones de cada equipo científico incluído el nuestro. Todos llegamos a conclusiones convergentees. La ecuación envolvente de todas las interpretaciones es la siguiente:

Pulsar sobre la Imagen para aumentarla de tamaño

Explicación del esquema:

1º.- En la parte superior, el tiempo lineal. Para toda cuenta atrás, 3-2-1, hasta el momento del 0, el no tiempo. El no tiempo, no se refiere a ninguna catástrofe física, hablamos de la apertura de un portal dimensional que se está generando en la parte inferior del gráfico: “La realidad cuántica”. Por así decirlo, la realidad Lineal que vivimos es un holograma.

Pero en esa realidad que vivimos, se está operando ya una modificación de nuestro ADN, las cadenas explicativas de ese ADN, están contenidas en el código ASCII, cuando interactuamos con la Ecuación de Euler y los segmentos. En concreto, está contenida la relación entre los Rayos Gamma, los puentes de Hidrógeno y las secuencias ATGC de nuestro ADN. (Relación Ionogenomática). También está contenida, la relación entre los Patrones de Armónicos de la Radiofrecuencia y nuestro Diferencial K-G (Los paquetes de Resonancias Schumann). Todos esos procesos se están operando ya en nuestro ADN, y este ciclo durará tres años. (Se completará en este período). A este nivel, igualmente, la Atmósfera de la tierra, se está ionizando. Está cambiando para poder alcanzar la resonancia necesaria para el punto “0″ que está en los 13Hz, punto en el que se producirá la convergencia para la apertura del agujero de Einstein-Rossen. En ese momento se abrirá completamente un estado de la materia parecido al de los cristales (aether) de forma coherente y armónica con los cambios que se están operando en nuestro ADN.

2º.- En la parte inferior, vemos, la superposición del binomio Euler/Fibonacci, así como su equivalencia en formulación de planos alternativos u hologramas convergentes y simétricos, tal y como vimos en el estudio Hipergeometría: Las realidades alternativas son supersimétricas y los planos pueden superponerse.

De hecho, igualmente apreciamos que en ese escenario, hay tres fases coincidentes temporalmente con eventos de entrada en un horizonte de sucesos de un puente (Einstein-Rossen) Un agujero de Gusano. De la información contenida en las ecuaciones parece inferirse, que cada posición de los sectores replica exactamente diferentes escenarios que son simétricos entre sí, y que se corresponden con un viaje al Pasado: Vamos hacia el orígen, o vamos a cambiar de plano. Finalmente, se ve una elección entre diversos planos posibles. (Diversos escenarios alternativos).

"La vida es un canto a la belleza y una convocatoria a la transparencia.Cuando lo descubras desde la vivencia,el viento volverá a ser tu amigo,el árbol se tornará en maestro y el amanecer en ritual;la noche se vestirá de colores,las estrellas hablarán el idioma del corazón y el espíritu de la tierra reposará otra vez tranquilo."

Copo Paz

2 0 1 1

Alton Barnes White Horse Wiltshire | 27th April 2011 | Oilseed Rape Alton Barnes White Horse Wiltshire | 27th April 2011 | Oilseed Rape L Alton Barnes White Horse Wiltshire | 27th April 2011 | Oilseed Rape L2 Silbury Hill nr Avebury Wiltshire | 29th April 2011 | Oilseed Rape L Silbury Hill nr Avebury Wiltshire | 29th April 2011 | Oilseed Rape L2 Silbury Hill nr Avebury Wiltshire | 29th April 2011 | Oilseed Rape L3 Silbury Hill nr Avebury Wiltshire | 29th April 2011 | Oilseed Rape L4 Alton Barnes White Horse Wiltshire | 27th April 2011 | Ghost Image from 2010
Hannington Wiltshire | 7th May 2011 | Oilseed Rape L1 Hannington Wiltshire | 7th May 2011 | Oilseed Rape L2 Hannington Wiltshire | 7th May 2011 | Oilseed Rape L3 Hannington Wiltshire | 7th May 2011 | Oilseed Rape FE Castle Hill Fort Wiltshire Woodborough Hill nr Alton Barnes Wiltshire East Kennett Wiltshire | 17th May 2011 | Barley OH East Kennett Wiltshire | 17th May 2011 | Barley CL
East Kennett Wiltshire | 17th May 2011 | Barley L East Kennett Wiltshire | 17th May 2011 | Barley L2 East Kennett Wiltshire | 17th May 2011 | Barley P East Kennett Wiltshire | 17th May 2011 | Barley GRD East Kennett Wiltshire | 17th May 2011 | Barley P Barbury Castle Wiltshire | 22nd May 2011 | Barley L Barbury Castle Wiltshire | 22nd May 2011 | Barley L2 Barbury Castle Wiltshire | 22nd May 2011 | Barley L3
Barbury Castle Wiltshire | 22nd May 2011 | Barley OH Barbury Castle Hill Fort Wiltshire | 22nd May 2011 Barbury Castle Wiltshire | 22nd May 2011 | Barley FE The Sanctuary nr Avebury Wiltshire | 28th May 2011 | Barley OH The Sanctuary nr Avebury Wiltshire | 28th May 2011 | Barley OH2 The Sanctuary nr Avebury Wiltshire | 28th May 2011 | Barley OH3 The Sanctuary nr Avebury Wiltshire | 28th May 2011 | Barley L The Sanctuary nr Avebury Wiltshire | 28th May 2011 | Barley L2
The Sanctuary nr Avebury Wiltshire | 28th May 2011 | Barley L3 The Sanctuary nr Avebury Wiltshire | 28th May 2011 | Barley L4 The Sanctuary nr Avebury Wiltshire | 28th May 2011 | Barley L5 Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley OH Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley OH2 Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley L Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley L2 Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley L3
Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley L4 Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley Low Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley Low2 Hackpen Hill Wiltshire | 30th May 2011 | Barley Low3 Wilton Windmill Wiltshire | 1st June 2011 | Wheat L Wilton Windmill Wiltshire | 1st June 2011 | Wheat L2 Wilton Windmill Wiltshire | 1st June 2011 | Wheat L3 Wilton Windmill Wiltshire | 1st June 2011 | Wheat L4
Kingstone Coombes Oxfordshire | 8th June 2011 | Barley L Kingstone Coombes Oxfordshire | 8th June 2011 | Barley L2 Kingstone Coombes Oxfordshire | 8th June 2011 | Barley Low Kingstone Coombes Oxfordshire | 8th June 2011 | Barley Low2 Kingstone Coombes Oxfordshire | 8th June 2011 | Barley OH Kingstone Coombes Oxfordshire | 8th June 2011 | Barley P King's Somborne Hampshire | 18th June 2011 | Wheat OH King's Somborne Hampshire | 18th June 2011 | Wheat Low
King's Somborne Hampshire | 18th June 2011 | Wheat Low2 King's Somborne Hampshire | 18th June 2011 | Wheat Low3 King's Somborne Hampshire | 18th June 2011 | Wheat L King's Somborne Hampshire | 18th June 2011 | Wheat L2 Winterboure Stoke Wiltshire | 20th June 2011 | Barley OH Winterboure Stoke Wiltshire | 20th June 2011 | Barley OH2 Winterboure Stoke Wiltshire | 20th June 2011 | Barley L Winterboure Stoke Wiltshire | 20th June 2011 | Barley L2
Winterboure Stoke Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Barley OH3 Winterboure Stoke Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Barley L3 Stonehenge, nr Winterbourne Stoke formation, Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | MO Stanton St Bernard Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat L Stanton St Bernard Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat L2 Stanton St Bernard Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat L3 West Woods nr Lockeridge Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat OH West Woods nr Lockeridge Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat L
West Woods nr Lockeridge Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat L2 West Woods nr Lockeridge Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat PFE West Woods nr Lockeridge Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat P1 West Woods nr Lockeridge Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat P2 West Woods nr Lockeridge Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat P3 Stanton St Bernard Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat P Stanton St Bernard Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat PFE Stanton St Bernard Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat PFE2
Stanton St Bernard Wiltshire | 21st June 2011 | Wheat DON Honey Street Wiltshire | 26th June 2011 | Wheat L Honey Street Wiltshire | 26th June 2011 | Wheat L2 Fonthill Down nr Chicklade Wiltshire | 27th June 2011 | Wheat OH Fonthill Down nr Chicklade Wiltshire | 27th June 2011 | Wheat OH2 Fonthill Down nr Chicklade Wiltshire | 27th June 2011 | Wheat L Allington Wiltshire | 28th June 2011 | Wheat OH Allington Wiltshire | 28th June 2011 | Wheat L
Allington Wiltshire | 28th June 2011 | Wheat L2 Charlbury Hill Wiltshire | 29th June 2011 | Wheat OH Charlbury Hill Wiltshire | 29th June 2011 | Wheat RING Charlbury Hill Wiltshire | 29th June 2011 | Wheat SPR Barbury Castle Wiltshire | 2nd July 2011 | Barley OH Barbury Castle Wiltshire | 2nd July 2011 | Barley L Barbury Castle Wiltshire | 2nd July 2011 | Barley L2 Honey Street Wiltshire | 4th July 2011 | Wheat L
Honey Street Wiltshire | 4th July 2011 | Wheat L2 Honey Street Wiltshire | 4th July 2011 | Wheat L3 Honey Street Wiltshire | 4th July 2011 | Wheat OH Honey Street 2 Wiltshire | 4th July 2011 | Wheat OH Honey Street 2 Wiltshire | 4th July 2011 | Wheat L Honey Street 2 Wiltshire | 4th July 2011 | Wheat L2 East Kennett Wiltshire | 22nd June 2011 | Barley 2nd Stage L East Kennett Wiltshire | 22nd June 2011 | Barley 2nd Stage L2
Honey Street Wiltshire | 5th July 2011 | Wheat OH 2nd Stage ST1 Honey Street Wiltshire | 5th July 2011 | Wheat OH 2nd Stage ST2 Honey Street Wiltshire | 5th July 2011 | Wheat OH 2nd Stage ST3 Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat CL 2nd Stage ST1 Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat CL 2nd Stage ST2 Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat L 2nd Stage ST3 Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat L 2nd Stage ST4 Alton Barnes White Horse Wiltshire
Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat L 2nd Stage P Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat L 2nd Stage P2 Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat L 2nd Stage P3 Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat L 2nd Stage P4 Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat L 2nd Stage P5 Milk Hill Wiltshire | 8th July 2011 | Wheat L 2nd Stage P6 Stonehenge Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat OH Stonehenge Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat L
Stonehenge Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat L2 Stonehenge Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat L3 Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat OH Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat OH2 Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat OH3 Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat OH4 Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat CL Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat L
Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat L2 Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat P Windmill Hill Avebury Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat P2 Chaddenwick Hill Mere Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat OH Chaddenwick Hill Mere Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat OH2 Chaddenwick Hill Mere Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat OH2 Chaddenwick Hill Mere Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat L Chaddenwick Hill Mere Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat L2
Chaddenwick Hill Mere Wiltshire | 13th July 2011 | Wheat L3 Overton Down Avebury Wiltshire | 18th July 2011 | Wheat OH Overton Down Avebury Wiltshire | 18th July 2011 | Wheat L Cherhill Down Wiltshire | 20th July 2011 | Wheat OH East Kennett Wiltshire | 22nd July 2011 | Wheat OH East Kennett Wiltshire | 22nd July 2011 | Wheat L East Kennett Wiltshire | 22nd July 2011 | Wheat L2 East Kennett Wiltshire | 22nd July 2011 | Wheat L3
West Kennett Longbarrow Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Barley L West Kennett Longbarrow Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Barley OH West Kennett Longbarrow Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Barley P West Kennett Longbarrow Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Barley P2 Roundway Hill Wiltshire | 23rd July 2011 | Wheat OH Roundway Hill Wiltshire | 23rd July 2011 | Wheat L Roundway Hill Wiltshire | 23rd July 2011 | Wheat L2 Etchilhampton Hill Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Wheat OH
Etchilhampton Hill Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Wheat L Etchilhampton Hill Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Wheat L2 Etchilhampton Hill Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Wheat L3 Etchilhampton Hill Wiltshire | 25th July 2011 | Wheat FE Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat OH Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat L Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat P Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat P2
Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat P3 Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat P4 Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat GRD Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat GRD2 Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat GRD3 Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat GRD4 Windmill Hill Wiltshire | 26th July 2011 | Wheat GRD5 Temple Balsall Warwickshire | July 2011 | Wheat OH
Temple Balsall Warwickshire | July 2011 | Wheat L Temple Balsall Warwickshire | July 2011 | Wheat L2 Temple Balsall Warwickshire | July 2011 | Wheat L3 Temple Balsall Warwickshire | July 2011 | Wheat L4 Cherhill White Horse Wiltshire | 27th July 2011 | Wheat OH Cherhill White Horse Wiltshire | 27th July 2011 | Wheat L Cherhill White Horse Wiltshire | 27th July 2011 | Wheat L CUT Cherhill White Horse Wiltshire | 27th July 2011 | Wheat OH CUT
Silbury Hill Wiltshire | 2nd August 2011 | Wheat L Silbury Hill Wiltshire | 2nd August 2011 | Wheat L2 Waylands Smithy Oxfordshire | 4th August 2011 | Wheat OH Waylands Smithy Oxfordshire | 4th August 2011 | Wheat L Waylands Smithy Oxfordshire | 4th August 2011 | Wheat L2 Waylands Smithy Oxfordshire | 4th August 2011 | Wheat Low Waylands Smithy Oxfordshire | 4th August 2011 | Wheat L3 Uffington White Horse Oxfordshire | WHL
Uffington White Horse Oxfordshire | WHL2 Uffington White Horse Oxfordshire | WHL3 Uffington White Horse Oxfordshire | WHL4 Bishops Cannings Wiltshire | 4th August 2011 | Wheat OH Bishops Cannings Wiltshire | 4th August 2011 | Wheat L Furze Knoll nr Calne Wiltshire | 8th August 2011 | Wheat OH Furze Knoll nr Calne Wiltshire | 8th August 2011 | Wheat L Furze Knoll nr Calne Wiltshire | 8th August 2011 | Wheat L2
Silbury Hill Wiltshire | 2011 | L Olivers Castle (in cloud) Wiltshire | 2011 | L Temple Farm Rockley Wiltshire | 7th August 2011 | Wheat OH Temple Farm Rockley Wiltshire | 7th August 2011 | Wheat LOW Temple Farm Rockley Wiltshire | 7th August 2011 | Wheat L Avebury Stone Circle Wiltshire | 2011 | L Giants Grave nr Oare Wiltshire | 10th August 2011 | Wheat OH Cooks Plantation nr Beckhampton Wiltshire | 13th August 2011 | Wheat OH
Cooks Plantation nr Beckhampton Wiltshire | 13th August 2011 | Wheat OH2 Cooks Plantation nr Beckhampton Wiltshire | 13th August 2011 | Wheat L Cooks Plantation nr Beckhampton Wiltshire | 13th August 2011 | Wheat L2 Cooks Plantation nr Beckhampton Wiltshire | 13th August 2011 | Wheat OH3 Knoll Down_nr Beckhampton Wiltshire | 13th August 2011 | Wheat OH Knoll Down_nr Beckhampton Wiltshire | 13th August 2011 | Wheat L Knoll Down_nr Beckhampton Wiltshire | 13th August 2011 | Wheat L2 Jubilee Plantation nr Cherhill Wiltshire | 15th August 2011 | Wheat OH
Jubilee Plantation nr Cherhill Wiltshire | 15th August 2011 | Wheat OH2 Jubilee Plantation nr Cherhill Wiltshire | 15th August 2011 | Wheat OH3 Jubilee Plantation nr Cherhill Wiltshire | 15th August 2011 | Wheat L Jubilee Plantation nr Cherhill Wiltshire | 15th August 2011 | Wheat L2 Avebury Stone Circle Wiltshire | 16th August 2011 | L

2 0 1 0

Old Sarum nr Salisbury Wiltshire | 5th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape OH Old Sarum nr Salisbury Wiltshire | 5th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape 
OH2 Old Sarum nr Salisbury Wiltshire | 5th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L Old Sarum nr Salisbury Wiltshire | 5th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L2 Old Sarum nr Salisbury Wiltshire | 5th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L3 Old Sarum nr Salisbury Wiltshire | 5th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L4
Stonehenge Wiltshire | 9th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L Stonehenge Wiltshire | 9th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L2 Stonehenge Wiltshire | 9th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L3 Stonehenge Wiltshire | 9th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L4 Stonehenge Wiltshire | 9th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L5 Stonehenge Wiltshire | 9th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L6
Stonehenge Wiltshire | 9th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape OH Stonehenge Wiltshire | 9th May 2010 | Oilseed Rape OH2 Yarnbury Castle, Hillfort, Wiltshire | 16th May 2010 | Oilseed 
Rape OH Yarnbury Castle, Hillfort, Wiltshire | 16th 2010 | Oilseed Rape 
L2 Yarnbury Castle, Hillfort, Wiltshire | 16th May 2010 | Oilseed 
Rape L Yarnbury Castle, Hillfort, Wiltshire | 16th May 2010 | Oilseed 
Rape L3
Yarnbury Castle, Hillfort, Wiltshire | 16th May 2010 | Oilseed 
Rape SRing Yarnbury Castle, Hillfort, Wiltshire | 16th May 2010 | Oilseed 
Rape SRing2 Yarnbury Castle, Hillfort, Wiltshire | HF Yarnbury Castle, Hillfort, Wiltshire | HF2 Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire | 22nd May 2010 | Oilseed Rape OH Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire | 22nd May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L
Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire | 22nd May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L2 Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire | 22nd May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L3 Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire | 22nd May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L4 Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire | 22nd May 2010 | Oilseed Rape L5 West Woods, Lockeridge, Wiltshire | 31st May 2010 | Oilseed Rape 
OH West Woods, Lockeridge, Wiltshire | 31st May 2010 | Oilseed Rape 
West Woods, Lockeridge, Wiltshire | 31st May 2010 | Oilseed Rape 
L2 Silbury Hill, Wiltshire | 31st May 2010 | Barley OH Silbury Hill, Wiltshire | 31st May 2010 | Barley L Silbury Hill, Wiltshire | 31st May 2010 | Barley L2 Silbury Hill, Wiltshire | 31st May 2010 | Barley L3 Silbury Hill, Wiltshire | 31st May 2010 | Barley L4
Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley OH Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley L Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley L2 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley L3 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley L4 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley L5
Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley Low1 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley Low2 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley Low3 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley Low4 Liddington Castle, Wiltshire | 2nd June 2010 | Barley LOH Codford Circle, Wiltshire | 3rd June 2010 | Barley OH
Codford Circle, Wiltshire | 3rd June 2010 | Barley L Codford Circle, Wiltshire | 3rd June 2010 | Barley L2 Codford Circle, Wiltshire | 3rd June 2010 | Barley L3 Codford Circle, Wiltshire | 3rd June 2010 | Barley L4 Codford Circle, Wiltshire Stoney Littleton, Longbarrow, Somerset | 7th June 2010 | Broad 
Beans OH
Stoney Littleton, Longbarrow, Somerset | 7th June 2010 | Broad 
Beans OH2 Stoney Littleton, Longbarrow, Somerset | 7th June 2010 | Broad 
Beans L Stoney Littleton, Longbarrow, Somerset | 7th June 2010 | Broad 
Beans L2 Stoney Littleton, Longbarrow, Somerset | 7th June 2010 | Broad 
Beans L3 Stoney Littleton, Longbarrow, Somerset | 7th June 2010 | Broad 
Beans L4 Walbury Hill Fort, Combe, Berkshire | 12th June 2010 | Barley OH
Walbury Hill Fort, Combe, Berkshire | 12th June 2010 | Barley L Walbury Hill Fort, Combe, Berkshire | 12th June 2010 | Barley L2 Walbury Hill Fort, Combe, Berkshire | 12th June 2010 | Barley L3 Walbury Hill Fort, Combe, Berkshire | 12th June 2010 | Barley L4 Walbury Hill Fort, Combe, Berkshire | 12th June 2010 | Barley L5 Walbury Hill Fort, Combe, Berkshire | 12th June 2010 | Barley L6
Chirton Bottom, Wedhampton, Wiltshire | 16th June 2010 | Barley 
OH Chirton Bottom, Wedhampton, Wiltshire | 16th June 2010 | Barley L Chirton Bottom, Wedhampton, Wiltshire | 16th June 2010 | Barley 
L2 Chirton Bottom, Wedhampton, Wiltshire | 16th June 2010 | Barley 
L3 Chirton Bottom, Wedhampton, Wiltshire | 16th June 2010 | Barley 
L4 Chirton Bottom, Wedhampton, Wiltshire | 16th June 2010 | Barley 
Chirton Bottom, Wedhampton, Wiltshire | 16th June 2010 | Barley 
L5 Codford Circle, Wiltshire | 3rd June 2010 | Barley OH

Chirton Bottom, Wedhampton, Wiltshire | 16th June 2010 | Barley L5 Oare, Wiltshire | 21st June 2010 | Wheat OH Oare, Wiltshire | 21st June 2010 | Wheat L Oare, Wiltshire | 21st June 2010 | Wheat L2 Oare, Wiltshire | 21st June 2010 | Wheat L3 Oare, Wiltshire | 21st June 2010 | Wheat L4 Oare, Wiltshire | 21st June 2010 | Wheat L5 Oare, Wiltshire | 21st June 2010 | Wheat L6
Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat OH Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat OH2 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat OH3 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat OH4 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat OH5 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat L Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat L2 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat L3
Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat L4 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat L5 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat Low Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat Low2 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat Low3 Forest Hill, Savernake Forest, Wiltshire | 23rd June 2010 | Wheat Low4 White Sheet Hill (near Mere), Wiltshire | 25th June 2010 | Wheat OH White Sheet Hill (near Mere), Wiltshire | 25th June 2010 | Wheat OH2
White Sheet Hill (near Mere), Wiltshire | 25th June 2010 | Wheat L White Sheet Hill (near Mere), Wiltshire | 25th June 2010 | Wheat L2 White Sheet Hill (near Mere), Wiltshire | 25th June 2010 | Wheat L3 White Sheet Hill (near Mere), Wiltshire | 25th June 2010 | Wheat L4 White Sheet Hill (near Mere), Wiltshire | 25th June 2010 | Wheat L5 White Sheet Hill (near Mere), Wiltshire | 25th June 2010 | Wheat L6 Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat OH Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat L
Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat L2 Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat L3 Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat L4 Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | OH Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | CL Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | L Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | L2 Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | DRHF
Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | P1 Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | P2 Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | P3 Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | GPC Danebury Ring (near Andover), Hampshire | 6th July 2010 | GR Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat P1 Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat P2 Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat P3
Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat P4 Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat P5 Chisbury Ring (near Chisbury), Wiltshire | 3rd July 2010 | Wheat Sn Chisbury Chapel Chisbury Chapel View Chisbury Chapel View 2 Chisbury Chapel View 3 Cley Hill, Warminster | 9th July 2010 | OH
Cley Hill, Warminster | 9th July 2010 | CL Cley Hill, Warminster | 9th July 2010 | L Cley Hill, Warminster | 9th July 2010 | L2 Cley Hill, Warminster | 9th July 2010 | L3 Cley Hill, Warminster | H Fosbury Camp (nr Vernham Dean), Wiltshire | 17th July 2010 | Wheat OH Fosbury Camp (nr Vernham Dean), Wiltshire | 17th July 2010 | Wheat CL Fosbury Camp (nr Vernham Dean), Wiltshire | 17th July 2010 | Wheat L
Fosbury Camp (nr Vernham Dean), Wiltshire | 17th July 2010 | Wheat L2 Fosbury Camp (nr Vernham Dean), Wiltshire | 17th July 2010 | Wheat L3 Fosbury Camp (nr Vernham Dean), Wiltshire | 17th July 2010 | Wheat L4 Guys Cliffe (nr Old Milverton), Warwickshire | 10th July 2010 | Wheat L Guys Cliffe (nr Old Milverton), Warwickshire | 10th July 2010 | Wheat L2 Alton Barnes, White Horse, Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat L Alton Barnes, White Horse, Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat L2 Alton Barnes, White Horse, Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat OH
Alton Barnes, White Horse, Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat OH2 Roundway Hill (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat OH Roundway Hill (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat L Roundway Hill (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat L2 Roundway Hill (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat L3 Roundway Hill (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat L4 Roundway Hill (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 25th July 2010 | Wheat L5 East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire | 26th July 2010 | Wheat OH
East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire | 26th July 2010 | Wheat L East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire | 26th July 2010 | Wheat Low East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire | 26th July 2010 | Wheat Low2 East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire | 26th July 2010 | Wheat Low3 East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire | 26th July 2010 | Wheat Low4 East Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire | 26th July 2010 | Wheat LL Windmill Hill, Wiltshire | 27th July 2010 | Wheat OH Windmill Hill, Wiltshire | 27th July 2010 | Wheat L
Windmill Hill, Wiltshire | 27th July 2010 | Wheat CL Beggars Knoll (nr Westbury), Wiltshire | 27th July 2010 | Wheat OH Beggars Knoll (nr Westbury), Wiltshire | 27th July 2010 | Wheat OH2 Beggars Knoll (nr Westbury), Wiltshire | 27th July 2010 | Wheat L Beggars Knoll (nr Westbury), Wiltshire | 27th July 2010 | Wheat L2 Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire | 28th July 2010 | Wheat OH Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire | 28th July 2010 | Wheat L Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire | 28th July 2010 | Wheat L2
Wickham Green, North M4, Berkshire | 29th July 2010 | Wheat OH Wickham Green, North M4, Berkshire | 29th July 2010 | Wheat L Wickham Green, North M4, Berkshire | 29th July 2010 | Wheat L2 Wickham Green, South M4, Berkshire | 29th July 2010 | Wheat OH2 Wickham Green, South M4, Berkshire | 29th July 2010 | Wheat LS Wickham Green, South M4, Berkshire | 29th July 2010 | Wheat LSS Wickham Green, North M4, Berkshire | 29th July 2010 | Wheat OHBW1 Wickham Green, South M4, Berkshire | 29th July 2010 | Wheat OHBW2
Stanton Circle and ring and Hummingbird Ghost from 2009 SHG East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L2 East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L3 East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L4 East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat Low East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat Low2 East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat Low3
East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat OH Whitefield Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L Whitefield Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L2 Whitefield Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L3 Whitefield Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat OH Whitefield Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat OH2 Lurkeley Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L Lurkeley Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L2
Lurkeley Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L3 Lurkeley Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat OH Lurkeley Hill, Woodsend, Wiltshire | 3rd August 2010 | Wheat L4 Stanton Bridge (nr Honey Street), Wiltshire | 8th August 2010 | Wheat L Stanton Bridge (nr Honey Street), Wiltshire | 8th August 2010 | Wheat L2 Stanton Bridge (nr Honey Street), Wiltshire | 8th August 2010 | Wheat L3 Stanton Bridge (nr Honey Street), Wiltshire | 8th August 2010 | Wheat OH Horton (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 9th August 2010 | Wheat L
Horton (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 9th August 2010 | Wheat L2 Horton (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 9th August 2010 | Wheat L3 Horton (nr Devizes), Wiltshire | 9th August 2010 | Wheat L4 Northdowns (nr Beckhampton), Wiltshire | 13th August 2010 | Wheat OH Northdowns (nr Beckhampton), Wiltshire | 13th August 2010 | Wheat OH2 Northdowns (nr Beckhampton), Wiltshire | 13th August 2010 | Wheat L Northdowns (nr Beckhampton), Wiltshire | 13th August 2010 | Wheat L2 Northdowns (nr Beckhampton), Wiltshire | 13th August 2010 | Wheat L3
Northdowns (nr Beckhampton), Wiltshire | 13th August 2010 | Wheat L4 The Ridgeway (nr Avebury Avenue), Wiltshire | 16th August 2010 | Maize L The Ridgeway (nr Avebury Avenue), Wiltshire | 16th August 2010 | Maize L2 The Ridgeway (nr Avebury Avenue), Wiltshire | 16th August 2010 | Maize L3 The Ridgeway (nr Avebury Avenue), Wiltshire | 16th August 2010 | Maize L4 The Ridgeway (nr Avebury Avenue), Wiltshire | 16th August 2010 | Maize OH Avebury stone circle and Silbury-Hill | 2010 Rybury Camp, the last flight of 2010

2 0 0 9

Ridgeway, Wiltshire | 14th April 2009 | Oilseed Rape L Ridgeway, Wiltshire | 14th April 2009 | Oilseed Rape OH Ridgeway, Wiltshire | 14th April 2009 | Oilseed Rape 2 Ridgeway, Wiltshire | 14th April 2009 | Oilseed Rape 3 The Round Barrow and Formation | 14th April 2009 West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire | 19th April 2009 | Oilseed 
Rape OH
West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire | 19th April 2009 | Oilseed 
Rape 1 19th April 2009 | West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire | Oilseed 
Rape 2 West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire | 19th April 2009 | Oilseed 
Rape 3 Avebury, Rutlands Farm, Wiltshire Avebury, Rutlands Farm, Wiltshire Avebury, Rutlands Farm, Wiltshire
Avebury, Rutlands Farm, Wiltshire Avebury, Rutlands Farm, Wiltshire Avebury, Rutlands Farm, Wiltshire Avebury, Rutlands Farm, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire
Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire
Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire East Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire
East Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire East Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire East Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire East Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire East Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire East Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire
Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire
Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire
Clatford, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire
All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire Peaks Down, Wiltshire Peaks Down, Wiltshire
Peaks Down, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Roundway Hill, Wiltshire Wroughton, Wiltshire Wroughton, Wiltshire
Wroughton, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Windmill Hill (nr Avebury), Wiltshire Windmill Hill (nr Avebury), Wiltshire Windmill Hill (nr Avebury), Wiltshire
Windmill Hill (nr Avebury), Wiltshire Windmill Hill (nr Avebury), Wiltshire Windmill Hill (nr Avebury), Wiltshire Windmill Hill (nr Avebury), Wiltshire Kingston Coombes (nr Waylands Smithy), Oxfordshire Kingston Coombes (nr Waylands Smithy), Oxfordshire
Kingston Coombes (nr Waylands Smithy), Oxfordshire Kingston Coombes (nr Waylands Smithy), Oxfordshire Kingston Coombes (nr Waylands Smithy), Oxfordshire Kingston Coombes (nr Waylands Smithy), Oxfordshire Kingston Coombes (nr Waylands Smithy), Oxfordshire Kingston Coombes (nr Waylands Smithy), Oxfordshire
Knoll Down, Wiltshire Knoll Down, Wiltshire Knoll Down, Wiltshire Knoll Down, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire
Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Little London (nrYatesbury), Wiltshire Little London (nrYatesbury), Wiltshire Little London (nrYatesbury), Wiltshire Little London (nrYatesbury), Wiltshire
New Farm Chiseldon, Wiltshire New Farm Chiseldon, Wiltshire New Farm Chiseldon, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire
London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire London (nr Yatesbury), Wiltshire
Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire
South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire
South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Alton Barnes, White Horse, Wiltshire Alton Barnes, White Horse, Wiltshire
Alton Barnes, White Horse, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire Rough Hill (nr Winterbourne), Bassett, Wiltshire
Rough Hill (nr Winterbourne), Bassett, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire
Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire
South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Knoll Down, Beckhampton, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire
Alton Barnes White Horse, Wiltshire Alton Barnes White Horse, Wiltshire Alton Barnes White Horse, Wiltshire Alton Barnes White Horse, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire
Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Wansdyke Path, Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Wansdyke Path, Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Wansdyke Path, Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire
Wansdyke Path, Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Wansdyke Path, Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire West Down (nr Beckhampton) West Down (nr Beckhampton) Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Honey Street, Wiltshire Honey Street, Wiltshire Cannings Cross Farm, Allington, Wiltshire
Cannings Cross Farm, Allington, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
Grey Wethers, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire
Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Smeathes Plantation, Wiltshire Smeathes Plantation, Wiltshire Smeathes Plantation, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire
Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Ogbourne, St Andrew, Wiltshire Ogbourne, St Andrew, Wiltshire Ogbourne, St Andrew, Wiltshire Ogbourne, St Andrew, Wiltshire Winterbourne, Bassett, Wiltshire
Winterbourne, Bassett, Wiltshire Winterbourne, Bassett, Wiltshire Winterbourne, Bassett, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire
Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire
Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire
Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire
West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire Bishops Sutton, Hampshire
Bishops Sutton, Hampshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire
Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire 29th August | Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire| Maize L5

2 0 0 8

Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire
Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire
Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire
Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Hill Fort, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Hill Fort, Wiltshire West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire
West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Long Barrow, Wiltshire
North Down, Wiltshire The Ridgeway, Wiltshire The Ridgeway, Wiltshire The Ridgeway, Wiltshire The Ridgeway, Wiltshire Winterbourne, Bassett, Wiltshire
Furze Knoll (nr Morgans Hill), Wiltshire Furze Knoll (nr Morgans Hill), Wiltshire Furze Knoll (nr Morgans Hill), Wiltshire Furze Knoll (nr Morgans Hill), Wiltshire Furze Knoll (nr Morgans Hill), Wiltshire Furze Knoll (nr Morgans Hill), Wiltshire
Horton, Wiltshire Horton, Wiltshire Horton, Wiltshire All Cannings, Wiltshire All Cannings, Wiltshire All Cannings, Wiltshire
All Cannings, Wiltshire All Cannings, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire Burderop, Wiltshire
Burderop, Wiltshire Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire The Sanctuary (nr Avebury), Wiltshire
The Sanctuary (nr Avebury), Wiltshire Honey Street (nr The Barge Inn), Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
Buckland, Oxfordshire Buckland, Oxfordshire Buckland, Oxfordshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire
Avebury Manor, Wiltshire Avebury Henge from the air West Woods (nr Lockeridge), Wiltshire West Woods (nr Lockeridge), Wiltshire West Woods (nr Lockeridge), Wiltshire Avebury Henge from the air
West Woods (nr Lockeridge), Wiltshire West Woods (nr Lockeridge), Wiltshire West Woods (nr Lockeridge), Wiltshire West Woods (nr Lockeridge), Wiltshire West Woods (nr Lockeridge), Wiltshire Hillside Farm, West Woods, Wiltshire
Hillside Farm, West Woods, Wiltshire Hillside Farm, West Woods, Wiltshire <strong>Avebury Henge from the air</strong> Hillside Farm, West Woods, Wiltshire Hillside Farm, West Woods, Wiltshire Hillside Farm, West Woods, Wiltshire
Devils Den (nr Clatford), Wiltshire Devils Den (nr Clatford), Wiltshire Devils Den (nr Clatford), Wiltshire Devils Den from the air Southfield, Alton Priors, Wiltshire Southfield, Alton Priors, Wiltshire
Southfield, Alton Priors, Wiltshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire
East Field, Wiltshire Honey Street, Wiltshire Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon
Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon
Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Wayland's Smithy, Oxon Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Honey Street, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Honey Street, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
West Down, Beckhampton, Wiltshire Knoll Down, Beckhampton, Wiltshire Watchfield, Oxon Watchfield, Oxon Cherhill, Wiltshire Cherhill, Wiltshire
Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Hens Wood (nr Little Firth), Wiltshire Hens Wood (nr Little Firth), Wiltshire
Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire
Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Olivers Castle, Wiltshire Olivers Castle, Wiltshire Olivers Castle, Wiltshire Olivers Castle, Wiltshire

2 0 0 7

Olivers Castle, Wiltshire Olivers Castle, Wiltshire Chilcomb Down, Hampshire Wexcombe Down, Wiltshire Wexcombe Down, Wiltshire Wexcombe Down, Wiltshire
Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Winterbourne Monkton, Wiltshire Winterbourne Monkton, Wiltshire Winterbourne Monkton, Wiltshire
Yatesbury, Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire Abbotts Down, Wiltshire Abbotts Down, Wiltshire Abbotts Down, Wiltshire Abbotts Down, Wiltshire
Easton Royal, Wiltshire Easton Royal, Wiltshire Westbury White Horse, Wiltshire Westbury White Horse, Wiltshire Manton, Wiltshire West Woods, Lockeridge, Wiltshire
West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire Golden Ball Hill, Wiltshire
East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Stantonbury Hill, Somerset
Stantonbury Hill, Somerset Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire Stanton Bridge, Wiltshire Stanton Bridge, Wiltshire
Hailey Wood, Ashbury, Oxon Hailey Wood, Ashbury, Oxon Hailey Wood, Ashbury, Oxon Hailey Wood, Ashbury, Oxon Hailey Wood, Ashbury, Oxon Hinton Down, Bishopstone, Oxon
Hinton Down, Bishopstone, Oxon Hinton Down, Bishopstone, Oxon All Cannings, Wiltshire All Cannings, Wiltshire All Cannings, Wiltshire All Cannings, Wiltshire
Wilton Water, Wiltshire Wilton Water, Wiltshire Whites Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire
Martinsell Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Ramsbury, Wiltshire Stanton, St. Bernard, Wiltshire Stanton, St. Bernard, Wiltshire Stanton, St. Bernard, Wiltshire Stanton, St. Bernard, Wiltshire
West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire Tidcombe Down, Wiltshire Tidcombe Down, Wiltshire Avebury, Green Street, Wiltshire
Avebury, Green Street, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire
Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire
Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire West Woods, Wiltshire
West Woods, Wiltshire Stanton, St. Bernard, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire
West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire

2 0 0 6

West Overton, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire
Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Savernake Forest, Wiltshire Savernake Forest, Wiltshire Savernake Forest, Wiltshire
Savernake Forest, Wiltshire Savernake Forest, Wiltshire Savernake Forest, Wiltshire Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire
Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire Uffington Castle, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire
Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Waylands Smithy, Oxfordshire Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire
Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire Charlbury Hill, Oxfordshire Aldbourne, Wiltshire Aldbourne, Wiltshire
Stantonbury Hill, Somerset Straight Soley, Berkshire Straight Soley, Berkshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire
Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Gander Down, Hampshire Gander Down, Hampshire Gander Down, Hampshire East Kennett, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Toot Balden, Oxfordshire
Toot Balden, Oxfordshire Blowingstone Hill (nr Kingston Lisle), Oxon Blowingstone Hill (nr Kingston Lisle), Oxon Blowingstone Hill (nr Kingston Lisle), Oxon Blowingstone Hill (nr Kingston Lisle), Oxon Blowingstone Hill (nr Kingston Lisle), Oxon
Blowingstone Hill (nr Kingston Lisle), Oxon Blowingstone Hill (nr Kingston Lisle), Oxon Blowingstone Hill (nr Kingston Lisle), Oxon Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire

2 0 0 5

Golden Ball Hill, Wiltshire Bishop's Sutton, Hampshire Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire
Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Clatford Bottom, Wiltshire Clatford Bottom, Wiltshire Monkton Down, Wiltshire Stephen Castle Down, Hampshire
Stephen Castle Down, Hampshire West Woods, Lockeridge, Wiltshire West Woods, Lockeridge, Wiltshire Lurkeley Hill, East Kennett, Wiltshire Lurkeley Hill, East Kennett, Wiltshire Windmill Hill (Nr Avebury), Wiltshire
Windmill Hill (Nr Avebury), Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire Horton, Wiltshire
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire
Lane End Down, Wiltshire Lane End Down, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire
Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Savernake Forest, Wiltshire Savernake Forest, Wiltshire
East Kennett, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire
Avebury Henge, Wiltshire Aldbourne A, Wiltshire Aldbourne A, Wiltshire Aldbourne B, Wiltshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire Avebury Manor, Wiltshire
Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire The Ridgeway above Avebury, Wiltshire The Ridgeway above Avebury, Wiltshire The Ridgeway above Avebury, Wiltshire The Ridgeway above Avebury, Wiltshire The Ridgeway above Avebury, Wiltshire
Collingbourne, Kingston, Wiltshire Collingbourne, Kingston, Wiltshire Collingbourne, Kingston, Wiltshire Shalbourne, Wiltshire Shalbourne, Wiltshire Shalbourne, Wiltshire
Marden A, Wiltshire Marden A, Wiltshire Marden A, Wiltshire Marden A, Wiltshire Marden A, Wiltshire Marden A, Wiltshire
Marden A, Wiltshire Wayland's Smithy, Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy, Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy, Oxfordshire Wayland's Smithy, Oxfordshire Woolstone Hill, Oxforshire
Woolstone Hill, Oxforshire Woolstone Hill, Oxforshire Woolstone Hill, Oxforshire Woolstone Hill, Oxforshire Woolstone Hill, Oxforshire Woolstone Hill, Oxforshire
Woolstone Hill, Oxforshire Cherhill, Wiltshire Cherhill, Wiltshire Cherhill, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
Marden, Wiltshire Marden, Wiltshire

2 0 0 4

Porchester, Hampshire Porchester, Hampshire Porchester, Hampshire Honey St, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Honey St, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Honey St, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Market Lavington, Wiltshire Coombe Abbey, Warwickshire Market Lavington, Wiltshire Steyning Bowl (Cissbury), Sussex
Steyning Bowl (Cissbury), Sussex North Newnton, Wiltshire North Newnton, Wiltshire West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire
South Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire North Down, Wiltshire Bury Hill, Hampshire Windmill Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire
Windmill Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Pewsey, White Horse, Wiltshire Pewsey, White Horse, Wiltshire <strong>Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire</strong> Pewsey, White Horse, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire
Golden Ball Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Golden Ball Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Forest Hill, Marlborough, Wiltshire Forest Hill, Marlborough, Wiltshire Green Street, Avebury, Wiltshire Beacon, Hill, Newbury, Berkshire
Beacon, Hill, Newbury, Berkshire Tan Hill, Wiltshire Tan Hill, Wiltshire West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire
West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire West Kennett, Avebury, Wiltshire West Meon, Hampshire West Meon, Hampshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire
Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire Blacklands Calne, Wiltshire Forest Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire
Forest Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Forest Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Forest Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire Wilton Windmill, Wiltshire
Shelbourne, Wiltshire Shelbourne, Wiltshire Shelbourne, Wiltshire Shelbourne, Wiltshire

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Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Ogbourne, St George, Wiltshire Ogbourne, St George, Wiltshire Ogbourne, St George, Wiltshire
Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Wiltshire
Waden Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Tan Hill, Wiltshire Tan Hill, Wiltshire Litchfield, Hampshire
Dunley, Hampshire North Down, Wiltshire North Down, Wiltshire North Down, Wiltshire North Down, Wiltshire Avebury, Green Street, Wiltshire
Avebury, Green Street, Wiltshire Avebury, Green Street, Wiltshire Avebury, Green Street, Wiltshire Avebury, Green Street, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire
Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
Weyhill, Hampshire Weyhill, Hampshire Near Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Huish, Wiltshire
Huish, Wiltshire Huish, Wiltshire Chisbury, Wiltshire Chisbury, Wiltshire Chisbury, Wiltshire Broad Hinton, Wiltshire
Broad Hinton, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire
Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Morgans Hill, Wiltshire
Morgans Hill, Wiltshire Adams Grave, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Adams Grave, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire North Down, Wiltshire

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Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Waden Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire
Avebury Henge, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire Uffington, White Horse, Oxfordshire Uffington, White Horse, Oxfordshire Liss, Hampshire
Liss, Hampshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire Englishcoombe nr bath, Avon West Overton, Wiltshire
Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire
Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire North Down, Wiltshire Highclere, Hampshire Highclere, Hampshire South Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
South Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Honey Street, Wiltshire Honey Street, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire
Knoll Down, Wiltshire Knoll Down, Wiltshire Weyhill, Andover, Hampshire Rogate, Hampshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire
Chirton, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Chisbury, Wiltshire East Field, Wiltshire Farley Mount, Hampshire
West Stowell, Wiltshire West Stowell, Wiltshire Sparsholt nr Winchester, Hampshire Sparsholt nr Winchester, Hampshire Sparsholt nr Winchester, Hampshire Sparsholt nr Winchester, Hampshire
Sparsholt nr Winchester, Hampshire Avebury Sanctuary, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Crooked Soley, Berkshire Crooked Soley, Berkshire
Crooked Soley, Berkshire Crooked Soley, Berkshire

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Hurn Airport, Dorset Hurn Airport, Dorset Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Berwick Bassett, Wiltshire Berwick Bassett, Wiltshire Berwick Bassett, Wiltshire
Berwick Bassett, Wiltshire Berwick Bassett, Wiltshire Badbury, Wiltshire East Field (Pyramid), Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire Avebury Down, Wiltshire
Beckhampton Gallops, Wiltshire Beckhampton Gallops, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire
Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Chilcombe Down, Hampshire
Lane End Down, Hampshire Lane End Down, Hampshire Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Newton, St Loe, Avon Beckhampton, Wiltshire
Great Shelford (Angel), Cambridgeshire Cliffords Hill, Wiltshire Cliffords Hill, Wiltshire Old Shaw Village, Wiltshire West Meon, Hampshire West Tisted, Hampshire
Honey Street, Wiltshire Honey Street, Wiltshire Alton Priors, Wiltshire Alton Priors, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire
Avebury Manor, Wiltshire Golden Ball Hill, Wiltshire Golden Ball Hill, Wiltshire Englishcombe nr Bath, Somerset Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire
Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Huish, Wiltshire Huish, Wiltshire Acton Turville, Gloucestershire
THE FACE, Chilbolton Radio Telescope, Hampshire THE MESSAGE, Chilbolton Radio Telescope, Hampshire Chilbolton Radio Telescope, Hampshire

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Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Wexcombe, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire
Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings Down, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings Down, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire South Field, Alton Priors, Wiltshire
East Field, Wiltshire Stanton, St Bernard West Overton, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire
Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Stephen Castle Down, Hants Honey St Honey St, Wiltshire Adams Grave, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
East Kennett, Wiltshire Golden Ball Hill, Wiltshire Golden Ball Hill, Wiltshire Golden Ball Hill, Wiltshire Picked Hill, Wiltshire Picked Hill, Wiltshire
Bishops Sutton, Hampshire Bishops Sutton, Hampshire Avebury Down, Wiltshire Old Shaw Village, Wiltshire West Lavington, Wiltshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire
Woodborough Hill, Hampshire Lockeridge, Wiltshire Everleigh Ashes, Wiltshire Everleigh Ashes, Wiltshire Trusloe, Avebury, Wiltshire Trusloe, Avebury, Wiltshire
Trusloe, Avebury, Wiltshire Hodson, Wiltshire West Tisted, Hampshire West Tisted, Hampshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire
North Down, Wiltshire North Down, Wiltshire Blacklands, Wiltshire Allington Down, Wiltshire Allington Down, Wiltshire Giants Grave, Oare, Wiltshire
Giants Grave, Oare, Wiltshire Broadbury Banks, Wiltshire Broadbury Banks, Wiltshire Broadbury Banks, Wiltshire Horton, Wiltshire Pewsey, Wiltshire
All Cannings, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire All Cannings Bridge, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire
Broadbury Banks Nr Winchester, Hants Picked Hill, Wiltshire Picked Hill, Wiltshire Chilbolton Radio Telescope, Hants Chilcomb Down, Winchester, Hants

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Over Wallop, Hampshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Woodborough Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Middle Wallop, Avebury, Wiltshire
Everleigh, Wiltshire Penton Grafton, Hampshire Penton Grafton, Hampshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Chilbolton Radio Telescope, Hampshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire Pewsey White Horse, Wiltshire
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire Aldbourne, Wiltshire
Aldbourne, Wiltshire Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Allington Down, Wiltshire Allington Down, Wiltshire Allington Down, Wiltshire Allington Down, Wiltshire
Allington Down, Wiltshire Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire Allington Down, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire
Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Rockley, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Honey Street, Wiltshire Cherhill, Wiltshire Cherhill, Wiltshire
Cherhill, Wiltshire Cherhill, Wiltshire Devils Den, Wiltshire Devils Den, Wiltshire Devils Den, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire
Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire
Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Roundway, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire

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Weyhill, Hampshire Chiseldon, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire West Kennett, Longbarrow, Wiltshire
Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Goodworth, clatford (Bury Hill), Hampshire Chisledon, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire Lockeridge, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire
West Overton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Avebury, Wiltshire West Overton, Wiltshire West Kennett, Wiltshire East Kennett, Wiltshire
West Overton, Wiltshire Privett, Hampshire Chiseldon, Wiltshire Chiseldon, Wiltshire Avebury, Trusloe, Wiltshire Avebury, Trusloe, Wiltshire
Lockeridge, Wiltshire Lockeridge, Wiltshire Clatford, Wiltshire Clanfield, Hampshire Blandford Forum, Dorset Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire
Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire Oare, Wiltshire Marlborough, Wiltshire Danebury Ring, Hampshire Fareham, Hampshire Fareham, Hampshire
East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire West Woods, Lockeridge, Wiltshire Dadford, Buckinghamshire Gander Down, Hampshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Cheriton, Hampshire
Danebury Ring, Hampshire Danebury Ring, Hampshire Danebury Ring, Hampshire Danebury Ring, Hampshire Avebury, Wiltshire Avebury, Wiltshire
Avebury, Wiltshire West Woods, Lockeridge, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Tawsmead Copse, West Stowell, Wiltshire
Tawsmead Copse, West Stowell, Wiltshire Yatesbury, Wiltshire Stanton, St Bernard, Wiltshire The Sanctuary, nr Avebury, Wiltshire The Sanctuary, nr Avebury, Wiltshire

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Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Barbury Castle, Wiltshire Burderop Down (nr Barbury Castle), Wiltshiree Winterbourne, Bassette, Wiltshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire
Upham, Hampshire Rockley Down, Wiltshire Danebury Hill, Hampshire Kilmestone, Hampshire Teglease Down (nr East Meon), Hampshire Morestead, Hampshire
Cheriton, Hampshire Headbourne Worthy, Hampshire Alton Priors, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
Lane End Down, Hampshire Cley Hill, Warminster, Wiltshire Cley Hill, Warminster, Wiltshire Henwood, Hampshire Henwood, Hampshire Olivers Castle, Wiltshire
Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire
Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Avebury Down, Wiltshire Keysley Down, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire
Whitechurch (nr Andover), Hampshire Vernham Dean, Hampshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire Milk Hill, Wiltshire
Coate, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire

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Girton, Cambridgeshire Girton, Cambridgeshire Girton, Cambridgeshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Silbury Hill, Avebury, Wiltshire Girton, Cambridgeshire
Girton, Cambridgeshire Cherhill Wiltshire, Wiltshire Goodworth, Clatford, Hampshire East Oakley, Hampshire East Oakley, Hampshire East Oakley, Hampshire
Ropley, Hampshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire Hannington, Hampshire Clarken Green, Hampshire East Oakley, Hampshire East Oakley, Hampshire
Stonehenge, Wiltshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire Stonehenge, Wiltshire East Kennet, Avebury, Wiltshire Little Bury Green, Essex
Roundways, Devizes, Wiltshire Roundways, Devizes, Wiltshire Longparish, Hampshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire
Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Windmill Hill, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire Etchilhampton, Wiltshire
Ashbury, Oxfordshire Ashbury, Oxfordshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire
Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Liddington Castle, Wiltshire Barton le Clay, Bedfordshire Olivers Castle, Devizes, Wiltshire

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West Overton Hill, Wiltshire Quidhampton, Hampshire Quidhampton, Hampshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Bratton Castle, Wiltshire
Cowdown, Andover, Hampshire Telegraph Hill (nr Winchester), Hampshire Telegraph Hill (nr Winchester), Hampshire Telegraph Hill (nr Winchester), Hampshire Telegraph Hill (nr Winchester), Hampshire Telegraph Hill (nr Winchester), Hampshire
Danebury, Hillfort, Hampshire Cowden (nr Andover), Hampshire Bishops Sutton, Hampshire Bishops Sutton, Hampshire Gander Down, Hampshire Longwood Warren, Hampshire
Longwood Warren, Hampshire Punchbowl, Cheesefoot Head, Winchester, Hampshire Litchfield, Hampshire Whitechurch, Hampshire Kingsclere, Hampshire Kingsclere, Hampshire
Exton, Hampshire Exton, Hampshire Exton, Hampshire Stockbridge Down, Hampshire Andover, Hampshire Harewood, Hampshire
East Meon, Hampshire East Meon, Hampshire Goodworth, Clatford, Hampshire Brockwood Park, Hampshire Roundway, Wiltshire Andover, Hampshire
Winterbourne, Bassett, Wiltshire Winterbourne, Stoke, Wiltshire

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The Sanctuary (nr Avebury), Wiltshire The Sanctuary (nr Avebury), Wiltshire Beckhampton, Wiltshire Cheesefoot Head, Hampshire West Stowell, Wiltshire West Stowell, Wiltshire
West Stowell, Wiltshire West Stowell, Wiltshire Cheesefoot Head, Hampshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire West Meon, Hampshire West Meon, Hampshire West Meon, Hampshire West Meon, Hampshire Punch Bowl, Cheesefoot Head, Winchester, Hampshire
Uffington White Horse, Oxfordshire Wilsford, Hampshire Wilsford, Hampshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire
Avebury Avenue, Wiltshire East Dean, Sussex East Dean, Sussex East Dean, Sussex Uffington, Oxfordshire Brockwood Park, Hampshire
Olivers Castle, Wiltshire Olivers Castle, Wiltshire Olivers Castle, Wiltshire Beacon Hill, Burghclere, Hampshire Burghclere, Hampshire Burghclere, Hampshire
West Overton, Wiltshire Froxfield, Wiltshire Froxfield, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire Avebury Henge, Wiltshire
nr Andover, Hampshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire Hackpen Hill, Wiltshiree